So this week is transfers again. They come up so fast. I will be in a trio. That will be interesting. Elder Mansfield will be leaving for Brazil really soon. His visa is in the mail. Crazy right? I have also noticed all the push for missionary work. It is all over the world. Something that I have been told. It is not the First Presidency that is pushing it or hastening the work. They told us that is is the Lord. This is the Lord's time frame not ours. It just shows that the world is coming close and closer to the Second Coming and we need to prepare as many people as possible. We are doing really well in our stake. We have 3 people on date for baptism. It is really cool. We are also trying to teach a Muslim. We have to get permission for us to be able to teach him, but we first need him to meet with our mission president to interview him. He will basically tell him that if he joins the church then he could be killed! Easy enough. Also we are teaching a Wiccan named Emily. Basically, she is a witch. It is strange. She said that she would be ok to be baptized, because she wants her son to grow up in a good church. She has no idea what this church could do for her. It is our job to teach and testify to her of the things that could come with her following Jesus Christ and being baptized into His church.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
I think that is a great idea to pray for people's needs in a prayer as we visit their home.
So finding is strange here. We do knock doors a lot but is is not just tracking it is by referrals or people that say that we can come back. I actually taught a district meeting on this the other day. Our mission president called it varied finding. I went throughout all of my baptisms and tried to figure out how we found them. Most of them were from active member referrals. Sometimes we get these amazing people that call us and tell us that they want to be baptized. That has happened 1 time on my mission so far. That was a cool day.
So this week we found 2 new investigators. One was from tracking and the other was from a member invite. The member invite we have been trying to contact this kid for 2 months and his mom has not answered the door to us. Then a member comes along and asked for us and they say yes! That is why members are better at finding then we are. They have the connections we are striving for. The kid was really funny yesterday at church, after sacrament meeting he came up to us and said, "Will you baptize me?" We smiled really big at that moment. Sundays are good days. His Mom recently lost her husband about 2 years ago and so she went inactive. Now she is living with a boy friend so she did not feel comfortable at church. The boy (he is 9 years old) has his dad's scriptures and he shows a lot of love for them. He is a great kid. He will be baptized on the 1st of Feb. He is so excited. I love baptisms. we have another kid we found though our area book of someone previous missionaries dropped. He will be baptized on the 15th of Feb. He is 15 years old.
We also have this other family that is going to our ward. She has 2 kids that are unbaptized that go to church. A member that we invited to invite them to meet with us got back to us yesterday and said that she just so happened to sit next to her in church so she said that it was a sign that she better invite her to meet with the missionaries. When the member invited her she told her that she really wanted to get baptized and she felt ready for it. Miracles all over Utah. I love my mission. We are finding new people every week that are basically just waiting to get baptized. It is a land of wonder and a land that is filled with the spirit. That is why I believe that we are the highest baptizing valley in the world English speaking.
We also meet some really sad circumstances like a guy who has 6 kids all under 9 and the guy has now removed his name from the records of the church because he now does not believe in God. His wife is still really active but he is not at all. He is willing to talk about it. He was talking to us for a long time, but he just does not believe in the church at all. He wanted to find out the truth as well. He was fasting and praying and reading the scriptures when he came to the conclusion that God does not exist or if he does he does not deal with us directly. How does that happen? It is really sad to see this Mom go to church with their children and to know that the husband is just at home. He thinks that the church will limit your view. So he actually discourages the kids from going to church. It was a tough circumstance and I am feeling so bad for the wife who when they got married was fully active and now he is in the opposite direction and trying to take the kids in that direction as well. He is such a nice guy. He is very kind to us and is still very helpful. I just wish there was something that we could do for that family.
Over all, this week as been wonderful. I have loved it all. I am learning every day and wish I could learn so much faster. I love my companion I could not do this with out him.
To go back to finding. I have gotten 1 baptism out of a media referral. 1 baptism out of cold door knocking (tracking). One out of a prepared investigator (he called us and said he wanted to be baptized.) Most of the others are out of member referrals and member invites.
We have transfers next week. Elder Mansfield has been out in Utah for almost 7 months waiting for his visa to Brazil. I think that he will be in a trio next transfer. I feel a little bad for him, but I don't really want him to leave. I think he is too good a missionary. We are going to be baptizing like crazy in this upcoming transfer.
P.S. we call it exchanges when we switch with another missionary. When we go out with non missionaries we call it a split.
This is at least in my mission.
Monday, January 13, 2014
One of the Most Baptizing Missions in the World
We also picked up a new investigator. His name is Cameron. He is about 15 but acts like a 8 year old because of a learning disability he has. He wants to be baptized as soon as possible so he will probably get baptized on Feb 7. We are doing so well here in Draper, Utah. Did I ever tell you that this is one of the most baptizing missions in the world? Because of that our mission has been split 2 times in the past 2 years. We are also going to find a lot this week. I believe that it becomes so much easier for us to do missionary work when we know the area and know the leadership and they trust us. That is a huge part of missionary work. (trust) We always try to get more and more of this. It is so easy for members to lose trust in missionaries and it happens, so when missionaries are
not trustworthy they [the members] are shy and take a long time to build up that trust again.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Temple Visit
So P-day was on Tuesday this week because we were able to go to the temple. That was lots of fun, but it makes it hard to do all the things you need to do on a P-day like shopping. I have not done that yet and it is almost that time where I have to go out and work again. Oh well. Also I got permission to watch the videos if it is during my 90 min of email time. So it is limited. I did get to go up to were Dad showed me my whole mission before I actually left for it near the Draper Temple. It is strange to be in places that we have been as a family and be there as a missionary as well. Such a different thought process that missionaries have then regular people.
This week has been fun we had another baptism here in Draper. It was Breanna. She is 14 years old and has been going to church for about 6 months straight. We were just blessed to be here at the right time. I have heard that Draper is in the top 100 richest cities in the world. Crazy, right? And I am serving here.
What does Dad think of me eating at the prison? I like it there. I am getting to know some of the people that work there by name. lol.
We found out this week that one of our Relief Society Presidents is becoming a mission president. [Editor's note: I assume it is her husband that will be the Mission President, but of course she is called to serve also.] I thought that was cool they really like us because we keep them in the loop of what we are doing.
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